Hello, Ruby

2023年01月27上次更新于 6 个月前

Hello, Ruby!

Ruby Programming

Ruby Essentials - Techotopia


puts 'hello world,ruby.'

Strings,Numbers,Classes and Objects

puts('Enter your name:')
name = gets()
puts('hello, #{name}')

Puts string into terminal.Gets input from terminal and save to variable "name" , and puts string with variable.

If your do not want to auto add a linefeed after output, you can use print instead of puts.

Ruby is case sensitive,myvar and myVar is difference variable.

The funny thing is, #{name}(called embedded evaluation) only works with double quotes and neither a single quote.

Next example about numbers:

subtotal = 100.00
taxrate = 0.175
tax = subtotal * taxrate
puts "Tax on $#{subtotal} is $#{tax}, so grand total is $#{subtotal+tax}"

or other version:

taxrate = 0.175
print "Enter price (ex tax): "
s = gets
subtotal = s.to_f
tax = subtotal * taxrate
puts "Tax on $#{subtotal} is $#{tax}, so grand total is $#{subtotal+tax}"
# this is a comment

This is a

You can do not use () after any method, but sometimes ruby intercepted will warn you.

Here s.to_f is a method of the String class.It attempts to convert the string to a floating point number.

If the string cannot be converted, 0.0 is returned.

You can find two comment at above code.



taxrate = 0.175
print "Enter price (ex tax): "
s = gets
subtotal = s.to_f
if (subtotal < 0.0) then
    subtotal = 0.0
tax = subtotal * taxrate
puts "Tax on $#{subtotal} is $#{tax}, so grand total is $#{subtotal+tax}"

Condition is simple like those:if (...) then ... end.

In fact, the brackets are optional, also the keyword then is optional too.But if you were to write the following, with no line break after the test condition, them then would be obligatory:

if( subtotal< 0.0 ) then subtotal = 0.0 end

Local and global variables

Variables such as these, which begin with a lowercase character, are local variables, otherwise, is a global variable.Look this example:

localvar = "hello"
$globalvar = "goodbye"
def aMethod
  localvar = 10
  puts( localvar )
  puts( $globalvar )
def anotherMethod
  localvar = 500
  $globalvar = "bonjour"
  puts( localvar )
  puts( $globalvar )
aMethod # echo 10,goodbye
anotherMethod # echo 500, bonjour
puts localvar # echo hello (scope variable)
puts $globalvar # echo boujour (global variable)

Classes and Objects

A 'class' is the blueprint for an object.And Ruby is object oriented.

Let us create a dog class:

class Dog
  def set_name(aName)
    @myname = aName

The class definition begins with the keyword class(all lowercase) and the name of the class itself, which must begin with an uppercase letter.

The class contains a method set_name.This takes a incoming argument, aName.

The body of the method assigns the value of aName to variable called @myname.

Instance variables

Variables beginning with the @ charactor are instance variable,that means that they belong to individuals objects, or instance of the class.

myDog = Dog.new
yourDog = Dog.new

At the moment, these two dogs have a difference name between other.The data inside each object is private.

This is called data hiding.

Now, we need each dog to know its own name.

def getName
  return @myname

The return keyword here is optional.When it is omitted, Ruby methods will return the last expression evaluated.But for the sake of clarity, I want to keep write a clarity return value which I plan to use.

Messages,Methods and Polymorphism


Constructors - new and initialize


class Demo
  def initialize(name, descrip)
    @name = name
    @descrp = descrip

When a class contains a method named initialize this will be automatically called when an object is created use the new method.

Developers often use a initialize method to set the values of an object's instance variables.

Inspecting Objects

The inspect method is defined for all Ruby Objects.It returns a string containing a humen-readable representation of the object.

Ruby also provides the p method as a shortcut to inspecting object

Class Hierarchies,Attributes and Class variables

Class Hierarchies

class Thing
  def initialize(name, des)
    @name = name
    @des = des
  def getName
    return @name
  def setName(name)
    @name = name

class Treasure  < Thing
  def initialize(name, des, value)
    super(name, des) # super => passes name , des and value to super class's initialize function
    # super() => no pass params
    @value = value
  def value
    return @value
  def value=(v)
    @value = v

Classes have own set accessors, you can not use space between set accessors code.

So this is correct:

def name=(name)

And, this is an error:

def name = (name)

But, we have a shortcut method:

class Dog
  attr_reader :name
  attr_writer :name
  # more terse: attr_accessor :name

Now, you can set and get dog instance's name easily.

If you want to declare multi accessor, just like this:

class Dog
  attr_reader :name, :id
  attr_writer(:name, :id)
  # or 
  # attr_accessor(:name, :id)

As always, in Ruby, brackets around the arguments are optional but, in my view (for reasons of clarity), are to be preferred.

Calling methods of a superclass

If you want to init some value from superclass,you need to call super method.

Class variables

The two @ characters at the start pf this variable name, @@num, define this to be a class variable.

if superclass define a class variable, then all subclass can share this variable.


class X
  A = 10
  class Y

If you want to access the constant A, you must to use the special scope resolution operator :: like this:

X::A or ob = X::Y.new!

Partial classess

In Ruby its is not obligatory to define a class all in one place.

class A
  def a
  puts( "a" )

class B < A
  def ba1
      puts( "ba1" )

class A
  def b
  puts( "b" )

class B < A
  def ba2
      puts( "ba2" )

Now,if I create a B object, all the methods of both A and B are available to it:

ob = B.new
ob.a # 'a'
ob.b # 'b'
ob.ba1 # 'ba1'
ob.ba2 # 'ba2'

You can use partial class definitions to add features onto Ruby's standard class such as Array:

class Array
  def hello
    puts "hello"

[1,2,3].hello # 'hello'

User-Defined String Delimiters

%Q/This is the same as a double-quoted string./ %/This is also the same as a double-quoted string./ %q/And this is the same as a single-quoted string/

Also, you can define your self string delimiters like this:

%Q[This is a string] # as "this is a string"


Blackquotes means execute a system command.

puts(`ls`) # just like exec ls command on unix system
print("show dir: #{%x{ls}}")

String Handling


s = "hi" << "yo"
s = "hi" + "yo"
s = "hi" "yo" 
# all echo: 'hiyo'

Puts a array will put each item in a newline,prints not.

String Assignment

s = "hello"
s[1] # prints out index 1 => e
s[-1] # o
s[1,2] # el

If you want to remove some charactor from a string.

s = "hello"
s.chop # hell
s = "hello
s.chop # hello

s.chomp # just remove record separator , echo hello
s.chomp('lo') # hel

Format String

Ruby provides the printf method to print format strings containing specifiers starting with a percent sign, %.

printf("%0.02f", 10.123) # 10.12


a = (1..10)
a.to_A # [1,2,3,...,10]
b = ('b'..'e')
b.to_a # ['b','c','d','e']

Interation with range

for i in (1..3) do
# 1,2,3 with newline


str = <<EODOC
I am Jay.

Arrays and Hashes

An Array is a sequential collection of items in which each item can be indexed.

In an array, each item can be difference type.

Create Arrays

In common with many other programming languages, Ruby uses square brackets to delimit an array.

arr = ['one', 'two']
puts(arr[1]) # two
Array.new # []
Array.new(2) # [nil, nil]
Array.new(2, 'a') # ['a', 'a']

Iteration over arrays

arr = [1,2,3]
for i in arr
# 1
# 2
# 3

Indexing into array

arr = ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
arr[0,5] # ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
arr[0..1] # ['h']
arr = []
a[0] = 1
a[3] = 3
print(a) # [1, nil, 3]

Copy arrays

arr1 = ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l']
arr2 = arr1
arr2[0] = 'x'
arr1 # ['x', 'e', 'l', 'l']
arr3 = arr1.clone
# arr3 is independent

Sorting arrays

  a.to_s <=> b.to_s # if a > b, return 1,if a === b,return 0, else return -1

Comparing values

The comparison operator <=> (which is, in fact, a method) is defined in the Ruby module named Comparable.

Other operator:

  • <: less than
  • == : equal to
  • >: lass than

Array methods

  • flatten
  • compact
  • <<
  • clear
  • delete
  • delete_at
  • ...

Visit here: Most Common Ruby Array Methods You Should Know

Creating Hashes

h1 = Hash.new
h2 = Hash.new("some kind of ring")
h1 # {}
h1['name'] = 'Jay'
h1 # {'name': 'Jay'}

Hash map's key can be any type in principle.

Copying a hash

h1 = Hash.new
h1['a'] = 'a'
h2 = h1.clone
h2['a'] = 'aa'
h1['a'] # 'a'

Sorting a hash



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